Most of us know this feeling. I've started my 15th school year in education, and I have felt this way for 15 straight first days of school. I don't feel this way today because I feel like I'm in over my head (that's exactly what I felt like the first year). I feel this way today because it was done in warp speed. I am going to petition that the first day of school should be a 16 hour day (I know what you're thinking...I'll kill him if he really does this). That still may not be enough time to get everything done the way it was planned in my head all Summer long. I'm thankful for the staff at CHS. The custodian, teachers, aides, secretaries, counselors, central office staff, and the administrators all worked together today to get the year started out right. Some things went smoothly, and other things did not. Our CHS wolf pack adjusted on the fly and did it with smiles on our faces. We worked together and modeled for our students how to work as a unit and communicate and find solutions to problems. Thanks for your patience, perserverance, and awesome enthusiasm today CHS! Our students will learn many great lessons if we keep modeling excellence for them. What a great day to be a Red Tornado!
I am glad you survived! Have a great year!