Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A few thoughts on a few great things at CHS

If you've not watched The Clinton HS Volleyball girls play, find a home game and make it a priority.  They represent what's great about CHS!  They are resilient, ferocious, athletic, poised, confident, and execute at a high level.

Speaking of executing at a high level...CHS Teachers have it going on!  If you are a new Teacher, or are a veteran just looking to add some new things to your repertoire, take your plan period to go observe the ones who you know get it done in the classroom.  We have innovative teachers that are at our finger tips that we can all learn something from.  If you don't know who to go watch and you are interested in seeing some great classroom skills, hit me up and I'll send you in the right direction.

Take time to emphasize to our students with "Servants Hearts" that they are greatly appreciated.  Most of them probably don't even realize the gift they have of leading with a servant attitude.  Many of our students give of their time to make CHS great.  One group that I admire are the trainers that help our Athletic teams.  They get very little in return for the many selfless hours they put into helping our sports programs roll smoothly.  Give them a pat on the back, a thank you, or a high five and let them know they are important.

My last thought is a piggy back to what Mr. Stringer sent out in an email at the first of the week..."Make sure when you visit with anyone you treat them like they are the most important person in the world."

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