Sunday, May 22, 2016

Always have a Plan B in case Mother Nature's plans are different than yours.

I don't know that I could've handled Innovation week at SW if everything went according to our plans. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and I think Mother Nature did her part on Monday and Thursday to slow us down so Southwest Teachers and staff had a chance to not explode from awesomeness overload.  I am proud of our staff for working together, I am proud of our kids for being engaged and excited, and I proud of the way we all adjusted on the fly to make this week a blast for our students.  Here's a short recap of what went well, and what we should probably do differently for our Innovation Week.

Monday (Also known as our "Best Day Ever")

Mother Nature started having fun with us bright and early on Monday morning.  We started Rise and Shine telling our kids that we had put together a "Best Day Ever" around Clinton for the day.  It was raining from the get go.  We had to go to a plan B in a hurry (also known as make it up as we go).  So we started to communicate bus route plans with our bus drivers and made the best out of a hairy situation.  Coach Crowdis, Jared Trickey, Connie Hileman, and Juanita Carrizales were flawless in the communication department and once we got going never broke stride.  

Fourth graders were to go to the Clinton Regional Airport for a tour (airplanes and helicopters were to fly in), get golf lessons at Riverside Golf Course, tour the Route 66 Museum, attend an art class at CHS Art Dept, do science experiments with the CHS Science Dept, and have lunch with the CHS band.  We had to scratch the Airport and Golf lessons because of rain.  Teachers took it well and led activities in the classroom or Makerspace instead.  The other activities were a blast.  CHS students lead our kids through fun and innovative activities, and the Rt. 66 museum took them on a scavenger hunt.  

Our 3rd graders got to tour the CHS Ag Farm, visit the Clinton Fire Dept, tour the Clinton Daily News, visit the Clinton Public Library, and have lunch at the First Baptist Church.  They spent the first couple of hours walking downtown in the rain and never complained.  As a matter of fact, I was so rattled that I messed their rotation up to begin with and they communicated well enough to never break stride.   Teachers are use to using plan B and are great at making "chicken salad out of chicken #@$%".  

Our 2nd graders headed to the old Armory that the City of Clinton has turned into a Rec Center for their activities.  They had a chance to play Archery Tag, climb a Rockwall, play hockey, and take a tour of the Clinton Post Office.  They were scheduled to play volleyball and do most of the activities at McClain Rogers Park.  Instead we used our gym for Hockey and had to scratch the volleyball.  It left the 2nd graders without a station to attend for the day.  Next year we need to find another great place around Clinton, along with the activities at the Armory, for our 2nd grade to experience. 

Mother Nature tried our patience on day 1 of Innovation Week, but it made us stronger.  Months of planning had started down the railroad tracks and I had the sense that our SW Family was ready for anything.  


2nd and 4th graders had the opportunity to attend an OKC Dodgers baseball game on Tuesday.  Our 3rd graders got to attend on May the 4th.  It was a fun experience for our kids, staff, and family members that went along.  Mrs. Paul did a great job of getting the field trip together for 500+ kids, staff, and family.  Our state has several pro sports teams, and I would like SW kids to have a chance to see several of them during their educational experience at SW.  Major League soccer, and D-League basketball trips are things I would like to look into attending the next couple of years.  

Wednesday (Little Olympics)

Just when our kids thought we couldn't throw anything else at them, we hit them with a school wide track meet.  Coach Koons and the CMS/CHS track kids and coaches helped run the events for our friendly competition.  As a coach it was fun to see the "competitive spirit" of our kids on display for the day.  We didn't get all that we had planned in for the day, but it worked out for the best.  Next year we'll need to trim a few events.  The day was a success!

Thursday (Teach Like a Pirate Day)

Mother Nature tried to through a kink in this day, but as usual our teachers found a way to make things go smoothly.  This day was my favorite day of the week!  Teachers had a chance to teach something they were passionate about and kids had the opportunity to pick what classes they wanted to attend for the day.  Art, Crafts, Baking, Exercising, Inventing, Video Gaming, Pet Care, and Collaboration were all on display.  More days at school should be spent like this!

Friday (Makerspace at the Frisco Center)  

The Clinton Public School system has shown their innovation by putting Makerspaces on every campus.  Our kids get the chance to enhance their education through inventing, experimenting, dreaming, exploring, building, and creating things in these spaces.  It was great to show off a small piece of what makes SW great to every CPS student, family, and community members.  Makerspaces have been a key to the Innovative mindset throughout our school system.

Wow what a week!!!  I won't lie...I had to sit down and relax after this week was over, but after reflecting I had a lingering question.  What's next?  This week is next!  We have 4 days to make an impact.  Use the next 4 days to give kids opportunities to engage, create, invent, learn, and be innovative.  Normal, average, "that's the way we've always done it" schools and teachers put it on cruise control.  Not SW.  At SW industriousness and enthusiasm are cornerstones to our school. Teachers will be expected to find and fill the next 4 days with innovation.  I'm excited to see how this week spurs us on to new ideas for next year.  I know my wheels are turning.  


  1. It was a great week! Thanks for all you do!

  2. The kids will ALWAYS remember innovation week. All of your hard work and planning paid off. It was a great week!!

  3. You did a great job!! Thank you!!

  4. Southwest was rockin' it!!! GREAT job Mr.Meget and teachers! I heard great things from your kids!
